Secretary: 216-469-3242
2025 THEME

Members of the Junior Auxiliary of Brecksville Chapter meet on Friday, December 13th for their Annual Christmas Party. Instead of a gift exchange they collected money and purchased a Marc's gift card for $100.00. The gift card was given to the food bank of the City of Brecksville to purchase perishable items for distribution.

Members of Brecksville Rainbow Assembly and Brecksville Eastern Star Chapter met to cut, assemble and tie fleece blankets for the Ronald McDonald House. Later the girls had their Christmas party with games, refreshments, a gift exchange and a visit from the City of Independence Police Dog, Max and his handler, Ricky.

Members of Brecksville Chapter attended General Grand Chapter in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at "By the Shore in 2024". Pictured in first picture are Marge Ramsdel PGM of Washington, Dorothy Berman Grand Representative of Louisiana in Ohio, Margaret Berteau PM, and Robert Berteau PP. 2nd picture is Vivian Chrisopulos PGM of Ohio with Glenda Winchester MWGM. 3rd picture is Dorothy Berman with Glenda Winchester MWGM.
Service Pins Awarded

Brecksville Chapter #537 presented a 50-year membership pin on November 14, 2024, to Dorothy Berman. The pin was presented by Diana Kriedman. Dorothy was initiated into Pompano Beach Chapter #187, Pompano Beach Florida on February 5, 1974, and demitted to Summit Chapter #512 in Twinsburg, Ohio in 1981. She became a member of Brecksville Chapter #537 when Summit merged into Brecksville in 2010. Dorothy has served many offices in both chapters including Worthy Matron in 1991 and 2016 and secretary. She is currently the secretary of Brecksville Chapter and the Grand Representative of Louisiana in Ohio. She has also been President of the Third District Association. Diana and Dorothy were both members of Summit Chapter and Dorothy presented Diana with her 50-year pin in 2000. They are involved in the same church and have traveled together on several Eastern Star trips. Pictured is Diana on the left and Dorothy on the right.
Brecksville Chapter #537 had their summer picnic on July 31, 2024, at the home of Linda Lindberg. There were 21 Brecksville members, 1 member of another Chapter, 1 non-member, and 5 Rainbow girls in attendance. Members Bill and Hillery Cox were on vacation from Florida and were able to join us. During the picnic Hillery Cox received her 40-year pin. It was pinned on her by PGP Bill Cox. Pictured are the pin recipients who were at the picnic: seated: Dana Krazel, standing (left to right) Linda Lindberg, Hillery Cox and Amy James.

Brecksville Chapter awarded three membership pins at our June 27th meeting. Pictured left to right are: Dana Krazel who received her 40-year pin, Linda Lindberg who received her 50-year pin, and Amy James who received her 40-year pin.

On July 29, 2024, a 50-year pin was presented to Verla Clouser. Pictured are left to right: Diana Kriedman, Verla Clouser, and Dorothy Berman
See Chapter history page for a complete list of membership service pin recipients for 2024.